
Tips for professionalizing your Instagram

Dicas para profissionalizar o seu Instagram

A few simple changes to be executed can be a watershed in your company’s results. One of them is the creation of a professional Instagram account, focused on creating direct communication with your customers and target audiences.

Much is said about “being digital” and the benefits that this brings to companies in the medium term, however, little is explained on how to get there and achieve concrete results.

That’s why we’ve separated some tips for you to create and professionalize your Instagram, in a strategic way, to achieve the company’s goals.

Without further ado, check it out!

Change your Instagram account to “Commercial”

Once an Instagram profile is created, it is set up for use by an individual, not a business. So the first thing to do is change the account type from “Personal” to “Commercial”.

Basic Settings of a Professional Profile

To configure it correctly, your company must also have a Facebook profile and page, in addition to the standard Instagram profile, and that they are all integrated and linked to the Facebook platform.

How to create a Facebook page

If you already have a page, skip that paragraph!

If your company does not have a page, access your personal profile and go to the Menu. In it, you will find the option “Create Page”. From there, just follow the step by step, until the page creation is complete.

How to link Facebook and Instagram pages

Once created, access the Facebook page and go to your Settings. In this Menu, you will find an option called Instagram.

When accessing it, you will be directed to a page, where you will put your Instagram account login and password. Then enter the information requested in the step-by-step to link your accounts!

Why turn Instagram account into a Business Account

This simple change of account type to “Commercial” allows you to access more information in the app, such as how many people see your posts and other deeper metrics.

With this feature, you can manage your company’s online presence, having access to information about the performance of strategies, such as reach and engagement metrics, which reveal important information about the profile’s audience.

How to turn a “standard” account into a “business”

If you already have the Facebook page and profile created, but the Instagram account does not, follow the steps below to make the change:

1 – Create a standard personal account

2 – Access the Menu (tap on the three bars icon in the upper right corner)

3 – Select the “Settings” button

4 – In this menu, select the “Account” option.

5 – Select “Switch to Professional Account”

6 – Click “Continue” and choose your business category

7 – You can select whether or not to make your profile activity visible

8 – Define whether the account will be a “Content Creator” or “Company” account

9 – Enter contact data

10 – Next, you need to configure the account created with the Facebook profile. Enter your credentials and finalize the changes.

Ready! Your Instagram account is now “Commercial”!

Build an outreach strategy

Before designing a strategy, you need to define three pillars:

1 – What is the purpose of your profile? Sell, publicize, pass on information?

2 – Who do you want to talk to, what is the target audience?

3 – How will you do it? What do you need to post to reach these people?

With this information, it will be possible to create a series of actions, which we call a marketing strategy. These actions must be thought out and planned in advance, so that you can analyze whether they have resulted or not, and if this result was what you expected.

Contrary to what you might think, working with the internet is not always easy. You need to understand what you’re doing so you can assess whether it’s working or if it needs tweaking.

Now, one certainty is that, right or wrong, you need to make an online strategy for your company.

How to build a strategy

With the pillars resolved, it was time to think about individualized scenarios:

– Where do I want to make the disclosures? Instagram, website, both? Others?

– What does my audience want to see?

– What does my audience need to see?

– What is my role and what can I offer?

– How to get this message across in a way that reaches the right people?

– What formats can I produce (videos, photos, digital materials)?

– Will the content be the same across all social networks?

– When will I post?

By answering these questions, you will know:

1.       what do you want to talk

2.       who are you talking to

3.       What is the purpose of this communication?

And with the next tip, you will know how to assess whether you are reaching your goal or not.

Analyzing metrics and results

You’ve already taken the first steps! Created your professional Instagram account and defined a content strategy for your digital channels!

Now, you need to understand how to measure and improve results.

Metric analysis

As we said at the beginning of the article, the commercial Instagram itself provides a series of information for you to understand how your account is performing and the strategies you have designed.

Some metrics are:

– Interactions / Engagement: Are people enjoying and interacting with you?

– Reach: How many people is your content reaching? Are you gaining followers?

– Timeline: What are the best days of the week and what times does your content perform best?

– Formats: What type of content is most viewed? Video, photo, live?

And finally, the most important metric:

Quality: Are you selling? Are these followers buying your product? Are they customers?

The most important metric

Sales and interactions will be responsible for indicating whether what you thought gave a concrete result for your company.

Often, this is not immediate and strategies need to be adjusted to improve results. In fact, adjustments will be your reality as people’s behavior changes over time.

So, it’s important to always innovate and keep an open channel with customers! Ask him what he thinks of the content, if it helped, if he has any suggestions.

Nothing better than your target audience giving you direction than producing, right?

Easing marketing processes

We know that in theory, everything happens very differently from practice. The day-to-day of entrepreneurs and companies is very busy, and often, there is not enough time to manage the disclosure and operation of the company.

So you need to take three steps:

1 – Get help

2 – Have tools to help you execute the plan

3 – Automate what you can

A team committed to the company

We have always heard the term “wearing the company’s shirt”, but we only fully understand it when we need to count on our team, to make our company grow!

A team that wears the shirt is one that is willing to do what is necessary to achieve goals and results, always thinking about the best for the company.

And when we started the journey of starting our own company, we realized the importance of people to us.

You need to delegate tasks, always taking into account people’s abilities and tastes, so that they perform at their best at what they are good at.

It is necessary to create an ecosystem of people, which integrated, can function as a single thing!


Within the daily tasks of your company, there are things that can be performed automatically.

You need to map your operation and find these tasks.

Automating what is possible in your business will give you more freedom to focus on what cannot be done without you, or your team.

Technology already exists to solve various demands. From the creation and communication part, as we said so far, to internal processes such as financial controls, inventory, service and others.

The best tools for your business

Coming this far, you must have already thought of a series of tasks that you could automate to save time and scale in your operation, right?

Now, you need to find the right tools for each task!

Meet IdoLink!

IdoLink was created for you who want to professionalize your online business and want to promote your content with quality!

With an IdoLink account, you will have several functions in a single tool. And best of all, free!

Today, in the free plan, IdoLink already offers you:

  • Digital card with QR CODE
  • Full customization of your link, changing fonts, colors, background, and link format
  • All contact information in one place (phone, whatsapp, email and location)
  • Unlimited links from your social networks and websites
  • FAQ (function where you can answer common questions, or create a complete Biography of your profile)
  • Lead capture via PDF files
  • Add logo and more!

Are you ready for the revolution that IdoLink will generate for your business?

The new version of IdoLink is coming! Stay tuned!